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GES Cairo Gallery

Excellence Award Ceremony


"Louvre" Art Exhibition

Tut Tut Production

Primary Science Fair

BSME Art Competition

Battle of Values

EYFS Sports Day

Week Without Walls

Excellence Award Ceremony

Years 7 & 8 Science Fair

Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

Staff Suhour

Workers' Iftar

FS1 students celebrated Mother;s Day

Happy Mother's Day

Frog is Frog

Year 2 trip to Fagnoon

Year 1 Agwani Farm

Senior Walk, Class of 2024

12 Hour Run

IPS's Visit

Senior trip to Marsa Alam

Keep Egypt Warm Campaign

legendary Chinese tale of Mulan to life

FS2 Sitara Trip

FS1 Kid's Gym.

Britain Day

Seeb Basmetak

FS1's Grandparents

Year 4,5 & 6 Sports Day.

community service trip to Fayoum

FS2 Fathers Breakfast

Year 1 Family Park

Year 2 ArtyScience Farm

Keep Egypt Warm Campaign

Community Service trip

Art Exhibition Trip

Honour Society Ceremony


Year 8 Camp

Community Service Trip

Keep Egypt Warm Campaign

Yr 7 Camp

Drop Everything and Read

FS2 Kidzoo Trip

FS1 MoonZoo Trip

Pink Day

GES Cairo is five years

Year 6 Camp

Y11 students visited Wadi Degla

Year 4 Giza Pyramids Trip

Year 3 Fagnoon HydePark Trip

The student council campaign

Ahl El Kheir Trip to Al Ayyat Village

Year 5 camp

Drop Everything and Read

Ahl Al Kheir Campaign

6th of October

Time Capsule

GESconians Class of 2023

El Layla El Kebeira

Math Gym Day

Tanseeq Results

The Senior Walk, Class of 2023

Reopen Tutankhamen (Tuts)

The Last First School Day

First Day 2023-2024.

The First Aid and Life Guard Trainings

Parents Information Sessions.

Are you Ready for School?

Class of 2023

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